We want to wish all of our Furfriends and their hooman families a very Merry Christmas!! We hope that Santa Paws gives everyone what they wish for this Christmas and hope that you all have a peaceful, loving and happy Christmas!!!
Have you ever heard of a thumb sucking dog?? Let me introduce you to Chewy, lol!! He started doing this when he was a little puppy....he would grab Steve's thumb and start sucking away just like a human baby and continues doing it to this day. Funny thing though is that he will only do it to a man's thumb. I can count on one hand the number of times he's grabbed ahold of my thumb! He always goes after Steve's thumb, our friend Anthony's thumb, and when my godson was over a couple of weeks ago, Chewy even grabbed his thumb! And when there's no thumb available, he'll suck on his back leg, which irritates me to no end. He'll be laying somewhere, and I'll hear a sucking sound and look over to see him with his back leg in his mouth. All I have to say is "Chewy" and he takes it out with a sheepish look on his face as if to say "you caught me!"
Chewy is an extremely quirkly little guy, and this is just one of his quirks!
When we went to bed last night, all was quiet outside and normal. When we got up this morning, this was our world: Snow!! And lots of it! While we were sleeping, a BIG storm came and dumped 16"!! of this cold, wet white stuff all over our 'hood! And you know what our evil parents did to us? Yep, they MADE us go out in it!
Yeah, okay Mom, we are so not happy about this, but we are ready. Oh my doG, it was so cold out there! Mom made us walk down to the end of the street: When we got to the end, that's when Miss Priss had had enough of the snow and started begging to be picked up. Me, I'm a dog now and can brave anything!!
Then we walked down to the other end of our street to see what Federal Hill looked like. After that, Mom took pity on us and FINALLY brought us back into the warm house. Mom, we love ya, but if you ever get that bright idea again, we will not be happy dogs!!
I just LOVE the Jib Jab cards where you can put the faces in!! I always get a kick out of making them, and usually by the time I'm done and I view the finished product, I am giggling hysterically!!
This one features Chewy and Lilibell against me, their Dad and their Auntie Lori. Enjoy!!
This Tuesday's video features Chewy and Steve's little cousin Angelina. She had stayed over our house one night, and early the next morning both her and Chewy got a burst of energy and started chasing each other through the house. Needless to say, it was too much activity for me that early in the morning, but I did get a kick out of it!
On Saturday, Mom had a burfday party for me!! My Auntie Lisa came over with Dylan and my furcousin Sally Jean (well, actually, I consider her my girlfriend, BOL!). I had so much fun with Sally, she's not prissy like Lilibell, which means that she really wrestles with me, and I mean really wrestle!
Mom made a very special Burfday meal for me, Lilibell and Sally, we got to have a hamburger with some broccoli and carrots! It was so yummy!
But then after I was done with my supper, I got put into prison!! Humpf, imagine that, the Burfday boy in prison at his own party!
(Note from Mom....After Chewy got done inhaling his supper, he promptly went over, pushed Lilibell out of the way and proceeded to eat her supper, then when he got told no, he then went over to Sally and did the same thing! I think he thought that since it was his birthday, he could do whatever he wanted, lol!)
Then everyone gathered around me and sang Happy Burfday to me! After that was the best part, we got to eat the delicious cake Mom made for me! Thank you Mom, it was soooooo nummy!! It was made with peanut butter and had carrots in it and more peanut butter on top!
This is my hoodie that Mom and Dad got me for my present. It says "Security" on it, Mom said that I'm definitely the security guard at the house, of course I am, I have to let them know when I hear someone coming up the stairs...who knows, it may be a bad hooman!!
And here is my lovely girlfriend modeling the necklace Mom made for her, I think she looks very foxy in it, BOL!
And the two girls together, I don't think Lilibell likes Sally all that much. I think she may be jealous of her (you know how girls are!). And I think Sally is giving Lilibell the stink eye here, BOL!!!
And here is a video of me and Sally having a little wrestling fun
I have to say that I am a very lucky dog to have great parents who love me and help me celebrate my very special day!
We must send an apology out to all of our blogging friends as we have not been on here that much. We have been reading all of your exciting posts, but our Mom has been awfully busy lately and has not been able to post many comments. You see, our Mom is going to be starting an online shop after the holidays and her head has been spinning with all of the numerous details! We are still here everyone and you all are in our thoughts each and every day!!
Our Mom was sick since Tuesday and didn't have a chance to do our last Thankful Thanksgiving post, so here it is, even though it is so late!
We are thankful for our Aunties, Tiffany, Lilian, Sue and Lori. Even though Aunties Tiffany, Lilian and Sue have never met us in dog, they love us all the same, and we are so very thankful for their love! And we love our Auntie Lori, she is the best Auntie a dog can have!
We are also thankful for Mom starting our blog, through which we have met many wonderful friends! We are very thankful for each and every one of our friends on here and we love all of you!!!!
Since Mom was sick, she stayed home on Wednesday, which was great for us because we got to cuddle with her on the couch the WHOLE day!! It was such a lazy day for us!
On Thanksgiving, Mom was feeling a little bit better which we were glad for! We had a glorious Thanksgiving!! We got dressed up in our Thanksgiving outfits and went over to Auntie Lori's house, where we got to have some turkey and stuffing and it was super yummy! After that we went over to Auntie Bruni's house for more visiting and we didn't get home until very late at night. We were both very tired, as we didn't get to have our naps during the day, there was just too much excitement going on! Today we pretty much had a lazy day again (except for when Mom got the bright idea of giving us baths, that we weren't thankful for, BOL!!) to recover from the excitement of Thanksgiving.
We hope that all of our furfriends and their families had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
This Tuesday's video features Chewy & Lilibell in one of their wrestling sessions, don't be alarmed friends, as they are only playing and not hurting each other!!
We are thankful for the food that fills our tummies (We were extra thankful this week, Mom got us some yummy blueberry yogurt that she mixed in with our food!!)
Our friends, Dip-Dip, Bridget and Elliot have bestowed the Best Blog Award to us! We thank you guys so very much and are honored to accept this award from you!
The rules are that we are to pass it onto 15 of our friends. Now, this is a very hard decision to make, since all of our dog friend blogs are just awesome!!! So, we are giving this award to each and every friend of ours!! (We know this is more than 15, but we just can't decide!!)
So please, take this award and display it proudly on your blog, because you all deserve it!!
We are thankful for the clothes that keep us warm And all of the beds for us to sleep/cuddle in (We used to have a playbed, until Brother decided to keep on peeing on it, now it's been banised to the cellar until he forgets that he pees on it, I am not thankful for that, BOL!)
Our beds also include the "Big Bed" that we sleep in every night with Mom and Dad
And Daddy's shoulder, which makes the most wonderful and warm bed!!
Our friends, Indiana, Shingo and Molly have started a Thankful Thanksgiving, go on over and take a read of all of the things, people and friends that they've been thankful about this Thanksgiving! We are thankful to them for starting this and would like to join in with them, as we've got things to be thankful for too!!
We are thankful for our Mom and Dad,
who give us love, take care of our health, make sure our tummys are full, and provide us with a warm and safe house. We know that there are many doggies out there who aren't fortunate like us, and we are very thankful to our Mom and Dad for giving us our forever home!
This past Sunday I spent the morning doing my usual round of errands - apple shopping, grocery shopping, etc. Once I got back home, I started with the routine of putting the groceries away. Chewy and Lilibell were both in the kitchen with me bouncing around playing, until they decided to go into the living room where their father was. I continued puttering around the kitchen getting everything straightened up, when I got the feeling as if I was being watched. I looked down the hallway to the living room and sure enough, there sat Chewy and Lilibell burning two holes into my back!!
Noah's Arks Rescue is a group of angels working to end the senseless killing of innocent animals in shelters all across the country. 20% of every sale at Lilibell's Couture will be donated to Noah's Arks.
I am a 40 something year old mother to two rambunctious Chihuahuas - Chewy and Lilibell! I was inspired to start a blog by my dear friends Tiffany and Lilian as a way to record all the memorable moments of Chewy and Lilibell.
This is the life and times of two Chihuahuas living in a city.
Born December 3, 2007 Likes: Squeaker toys, barking out the window, Cheerios, walks, underwear, kissing, back scratches, cucumbers
Dislikes: High places, getting his teeth brushed, thunder storms and that's about it, there's really not too much he doesn't like!
Quirks: Needs to bring his favorite toy of the moment to bed with him...not to play with, just to be there! Thinks he owns the City streets, must touch the beads in the bedroom before going to bed, loves to suck on our thumbs (yes, just like a baby!), rolling around in piles of dirty towels.
Miss Lilibell
Born June 17, 2008 Likes: Her blue sheep, socks, dressing up, going on outings, Cheerios, belly rubs, walks, playing fetch, kissing
Dislikes: Getting her feet wet
Quirks: Lilibell really doesn't have any quirks, except that she will munch on anything and everything she finds on the floor.
Our Awards from all of our Very Special Friends
Thank you Lilian and Coco, you have honored us with this award!
Thank you Coco!!
Thank you Tiffany, Lexi & Bentley!!
Another award from our Very Special Friend Coco
Thank you Dip Dip, Bridge and Baby Elliot!! And another big thank you to Twix!!
Thank you Coco, Indiana, Shingo and Molly!