I am 4 today!!!
The Mom keeps wandering around the house, blubbering with leaky eyes saying "my baby, my baby is all grown up!" I tell her "Don't worry Mom, I'll always be your little boy!"
Next Sunday is my Christmas Birthday Bash....stay tuned

The Life & Times of Two Chihuahuas In the Big City
happy birthday!
~Milly and Shelby
Happy birthday, sweet Chewy!!! If we were there we'd give you lots of licks and wags. I know mom is sad that you are growing up, but proud of the nice young man she has raised. Hope you get lots of special treats for your special day.
Licks and wags,
Sparky & Izzy
You most certainly can be and ARE very, very cute!
Happy Happy Birthday gorgeous Chewy.
We hope you have a wonderful day with everything your heart desires.
Wags and special birthday kisses, Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne xx
Tell your Moms not to be too upset, us little ones live LONG lives!
I sure am lookin forward to your Barkday party! Mine was last month but we didn't celebrate it cause Mom had surgery. But I is 3 now!
You is gonna have a super Barkday weekend I just know it!
woos, Tessa
Happy 4th Birthday, Chewy! I hope you got everything you were wishing for and more too!
Happy, Happy Birthday Chewy!!!
Hope you have a fabulous day!!!
We love your dresses!!!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
We have added you to the blogroll and are your NEWEST followers!!!
Chloe and LadyBug
Hi Chewy...I just hopped over from Tessa's blog to say hi. I think you and I need to teleport ourselves over to Tessa's to help her open her pressies!! MOL
Happy 4th B-day to you...I'm older (9 3/4 y.o.) so if you ever need an elder to offer advice just give me a holler.
Hugs Madi
This is the first time that I have sniffed around you blog, but wanted to make sure that I wished you a belated Happy Barksday!!
We´re so sorry for coming too late, but anyway we wish you a Happy belated Birthday!!
Peggy and Mhathy
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