We've so missed being on here, even though we've been almost able to keep up with everyone. Our Mom secretary has been awfully busy lately trying to get sample outfits made for the debut of Lilibell's Couture, which opens up on October 1. We are hoping that after the madness has died down that we'll be on here more often.
Butt, we decided to pop on here today because we heard through Twink that this is National Dog Week and she is having a Show Us Your Tongue contest! We have decided that Lilibell should be entered in this contest because she has the most delicious, pinkest and longest tongue for a little Chihuahua.
If you haven't yet, pop on over to Twink's blog to find out more about National Dog Week and the contest. We wish everyone who has entered this contest good luck!
There y'all are!! Glad to see a post! We missed your sweet little faces. Our mom/secretary has been falling down on the job too. We totally get it. That tongue contest sounds like it's right up Izzy's alley! We're gonna check that out. Thanks! Good luck to you!!
Woof! Woof! Hi There. Tongue photo will be a fun event. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh Lillibell and Chewy we are so very Happy to see you again! We sure did miss you two!
But we NEVER forgot you two either!
I do believe that the pic of Lilibell and her tounge is really quite a pretty picture of her.
woo woos, Tessa
Yeah we've missed you!!! Even though I'm really busy, I'd still pop over once in a while to check out your blog.
Nice tongue for a little girl like Ms Lilibell!
OMD!! Yes have I ever missed you guys! I was wondering what happened to yous..My mom says that she justs cants wait until you launch your store!! Mom says she is going to gets me all kinds of handsome stuffs..Chi Kisses to all, and yes that includes mom and dad!!
We've missed you!! And we cannot wait to see all the new designs for Lilibell's Couture!
-Bella & Holly
Yes, I did miss you! Welcome back! Thanks for the picture but never fear, I could never forget what you cuties look like!
You look so adorable with your pretty dress and long tongue, Lilibell!
Please tell your mom thanks for the advice. The weirdest part is that when I came home from my parents house and saw the truck in my driveway, I didn't see the landscaping guy. That creeped me out a little, not knowing where he was. I haven't seen him since the yardsale. I think I had pretty much decided that though I wasn't happy about it, I was just going to let the situation go. But then his mom asked me to pay her son for him providing a service I never asked for or agreed to, that's what really bothered me the most.
Hi Lil and Chewy,
We sure have missed you! Terrific tongue pic Lil!
Good luck in the contest.
We have missed you guys! It's good to see you!! Lillibell's tongue entry is pawsome!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We have missed you, we love you very much!
Wishing your mum all the best of luck for Lilibell's Couture, judging from Lilibell's dresses she is bound to have lots of success.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Great tongue shot! We entered the contest too!
Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
Lilibell and Chewy, you need to get your secretary to blog more often! Although we are excited for your mom about Lilibell's Couture.
Hi Nadine! I am so glad you found my blog. You and I are kindred spirits in so many ways. :-) I am now following your blog.
Chewy and Lilibell are such precious little fur babies!
I totally understand about being bogged down with trying to start an online store. I am also starting an online store (although mine is in the very beginning stages of the process). I am so very happy for you and wish you much success with your online store. Please forward your store link whenever you get it up and running. I have tons of friends that love pets and I would love to send them your way. :-)
Look forward to following your blog as well.
~ Tina
National dog week? Do the 2 year old twins running around panting like dogs and eating off the floor count?
Thanks for finding my blog! Glad you like the recipes. I actually haven't updated the recipe index in a long time! Nice idea on a cookbook, I wouldn't know where to start though! Thanks!
We have missed you! AND we understand busy....take care, my friends....
Hi! We've miised you guys but we understand. We been real busy with Shelby and the puppies and just can't keep up.
hey guys......we've missed you biiiiiiig time!!! wow, we KNOW you will do well as your mumster is sooooo talented. we must bug mumster till we see your site!
we would loooove to come live with you but our mumster will be so lonely and will probably go dancing and meet up with That vet or ours.....and that's a No nO
coco and tiffy
Hi friends, thanks for your comments on my blog. You too have a talented mom, you have to be very proud of her.
Chikisses Pegg
hey guys,
come over for your award
coco and tiffy
Hi, i hope this goes to your email! I couldn't find an email address for you and your comments on my blog come to me as NO REPLY BLOGGER so I can't contact you! I am so thrilled that you have tried so many of my recipes! I so appreciate it and also am glad that you actually LIKE them! Thanks again!! I'm sitting here now eating last nights dinner for lunch and hoping that my readers will love it as much as I do! It's a bean and sausage cassoulet. It is awesome and I think I'm going to make it again later this week just to have in the frig for lunches. It's THAT good! Feel free to email me if you have any questions about anything! crabbymomofthree at comcast.net
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